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Building a Flexible API Monitoring Package with TypeScript - Part 6: Advanced Features

Oct 13, 2024


Series Overview

  1. Introduction and Project Setup
  2. Core Monitoring Functionality
  3. Framework Adapters: Express, Nest.js, and Node.js
  4. Storage Providers: In-Memory and MSSQL
  5. Dashboard Service for Data Aggregation
  6. Advanced Features: Latency Tracking and Error Monitoring 📍

Advanced Features: Latency Tracking, Error Monitoring, and Real-Time Alerts

In this final part of our series, I'll implement advanced features to make our API monitoring package more powerful and insightful.

Enhanced Latency Tracking

Let's implement detailed latency tracking with percentiles and histograms:

export interface LatencyHistogram {
  buckets: {
    upperBound: number;
    count: number;
export class LatencyTracker {
  private latencyBuckets: number[] = [];
  private readonly bucketBoundaries = [10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000];
  addLatency(latencyMs: number): void {
  getPercentile(percentile: number): number {
    if (this.latencyBuckets.length === 0) return 0;
    const sorted = [...this.latencyBuckets].sort((a, b) => a - b);
    const index = Math.ceil((percentile / 100) * sorted.length) - 1;
    return sorted[index];
  getHistogram(): LatencyHistogram {
    const histogram: LatencyHistogram = {
      buckets: this.bucketBoundaries.map(bound => ({
        upperBound: bound,
        count: 0
    this.latencyBuckets.forEach(latency => {
      const bucketIndex = this.bucketBoundaries.findIndex(bound => latency <= bound);
      if (bucketIndex !== -1) {
    return histogram;
  clearOldData(retentionPeriod: number): void {
    const cutoffTime = Date.now() - retentionPeriod;
    this.latencyBuckets = this.latencyBuckets.filter(bucket => bucket > cutoffTime);

Error Monitoring with Context

Let's enhance our error monitoring capabilities:

export interface ErrorContext {
  timestamp: number;
  statusCode: number;
  endpoint: string;
  method: string;
  requestHeaders: Record<string, string>;
  requestBody?: any;
  stackTrace?: string;
  userAgent?: string;
  ipAddress?: string;
export interface ErrorSummary {
  errorType: string;
  count: number;
  lastOccurred: number;
  topEndpoints: EndpointSummary[];
  statusCodeDistribution: StatusCodeDistribution;
export class ErrorMonitor {
  private errors: Map<string, ErrorContext[]> = new Map();
  private readonly maxErrorsPerType = 1000;
  trackError(error: Error, context: ErrorContext): void {
    const errorKey = error.name;
    if (!this.errors.has(errorKey)) {
      this.errors.set(errorKey, []);
    const errorList = this.errors.get(errorKey)!;
    // Maintain size limit per error type
    if (errorList.length > this.maxErrorsPerType) {
  getErrorSummary(): ErrorSummary[] {
    return Array.from(this.errors.entries()).map(([errorType, contexts]) => ({
      count: contexts.length,
      lastOccurred: Math.max(...contexts.map(c => c.timestamp)),
      topEndpoints: this.getTopEndpoints(contexts),
      statusCodeDistribution: this.getStatusCodeDistribution(contexts)
  private getTopEndpoints(contexts: ErrorContext[]): EndpointSummary[] {
    const endpointMap = new Map<string, number>();
    contexts.forEach(context => {
      const key = `${context.method} ${context.endpoint}`;
      endpointMap.set(key, (endpointMap.get(key) || 0) + 1);
    return Array.from(endpointMap.entries())
      .map(([endpoint, count]) => ({ endpoint, count }))
      .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count)
      .slice(0, 5);
  private getStatusCodeDistribution(contexts: ErrorContext[]): StatusCodeDistribution {
    const distribution: Record<number, number> = {};
    contexts.forEach(context => {
      distribution[context.statusCode] = (distribution[context.statusCode] || 0) + 1;
    return distribution;

Real-Time Alerts

Finally, let's implement a real-time alerting system:

export interface AlertRule {
  id: string;
  metric: 'latency' | 'error_rate' | 'request_rate';
  threshold: number;
  duration: number; // in seconds
  severity: 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical';
  notificationChannels: NotificationChannel[];
export interface Alert {
  id: string;
  ruleId: string;
  metric: string;
  value: number;
  threshold: number;
  severity: string;
  timestamp: number;
  resolved: boolean;
export class AlertManager {
  private rules: AlertRule[] = [];
  private activeAlerts: Alert[] = [];
  private notificationManager: NotificationManager;
  constructor(notificationManager: NotificationManager) {
    this.notificationManager = notificationManager;
  addRule(rule: AlertRule): void {
  removeRule(ruleId: string): void {
    this.rules = this.rules.filter(rule => rule.id !== ruleId);
  async checkMetrics(metrics: MonitoringMetrics): Promise<void> {
    for (const rule of this.rules) {
      const value = this.getMetricValue(metrics, rule.metric);
      if (value > rule.threshold) {
        await this.createAlert(rule, value);
      } else {
        await this.resolveAlert(rule.id);
  private async createAlert(rule: AlertRule, value: number): Promise<void> {
    const existingAlert = this.activeAlerts.find(alert => alert.ruleId === rule.id);
    if (!existingAlert) {
      const alert: Alert = {
        id: generateUniqueId(),
        ruleId: rule.id,
        metric: rule.metric,
        threshold: rule.threshold,
        severity: rule.severity,
        timestamp: Date.now(),
        resolved: false
      await this.notificationManager.sendAlert(alert, rule.notificationChannels);
  private async resolveAlert(ruleId: string): Promise<void> {
    const alert = this.activeAlerts.find(a => a.ruleId === ruleId && !a.resolved);
    if (alert) {
      alert.resolved = true;
      await this.notificationManager.sendResolution(alert);
      this.activeAlerts = this.activeAlerts.filter(a => a.id !== alert.id);
  private getMetricValue(metrics: MonitoringMetrics, metricName: string): number {
    switch (metricName) {
      case 'latency':
        return metrics.averageLatency;
      case 'error_rate':
        return metrics.errorRate;
      case 'request_rate':
        return metrics.requestRate;
        throw new Error(`Unknown metric: ${metricName}`);

Integration with the Monitor Class

Let's update our main Monitor class to use these new features:

export class Monitor {
  private latencyTracker: LatencyTracker;
  private errorMonitor: ErrorMonitor;
  private alertManager: AlertManager;
  constructor(config: MonitorConfig) {
    this.latencyTracker = new LatencyTracker();
    this.errorMonitor = new ErrorMonitor();
    this.alertManager = new AlertManager(config.notificationManager);
  async recordRequest(req: Request, res: Response, duration: number): Promise<void> {
    // Record latency
    // Track errors if necessary
    if (res.statusCode >= 400) {
      const errorContext: ErrorContext = {
        timestamp: Date.now(),
        statusCode: res.statusCode,
        endpoint: req.url,
        method: req.method,
        requestHeaders: req.headers as Record<string, string>,
        requestBody: req.body,
        userAgent: req.headers['user-agent'],
        ipAddress: req.ip
      this.errorMonitor.trackError(new Error(`HTTP ${res.statusCode}`), errorContext);
    // Check alert rules
    const metrics = await this.calculateMetrics();
    await this.alertManager.checkMetrics(metrics);
  private async calculateMetrics(): Promise<MonitoringMetrics> {
    // Implementation of metric calculations
    return {
      averageLatency: this.latencyTracker.getPercentile(50),
      errorRate: /* calculate error rate */,
      requestRate: /* calculate request rate */

Series Conclusion

Throughout this series, I've built a comprehensive API monitoring package that provides:

  1. Core monitoring functionality
  2. Framework-specific adapters
  3. Flexible storage options
  4. Dashboard visualization
  5. Advanced features including:
    • Detailed latency tracking
    • Error monitoring with context
    • Real-time alerting

Further Learning Resources

To deepen your understanding of API monitoring and the technologies used in this project, check out these resources:

  1. TypeScript Documentation

  2. API Monitoring Concepts

  3. Performance Monitoring

  4. Related Tools

Project Repository

The complete source code for this project is available on GitHub: API Monitor Package Repository


contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests to help improve this package.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file in the repository for details.

Thank you for following along with this series! I hope this package helps you better monitor and understand your API's performance and behavior.